You can check the status of your order by accessing the "My Orders" section from the menu. This page provides a detailed view of your orders, including the order code, merchant, purchased product, quantity, total amount, order status (e.g., Completed, Ongoing), and the date the order was created.
To purchase a product, click on the item you want to buy and then click the "Inquire" button. You will be directed to an Inquiry Form, where you can send a message to the merchant regarding your order. After submitting the inquiry, wait for the merchant’s response to confirm the details and proceed with the transaction.
International shipping depends on the agreement between the customer and the merchant. It is recommended that shipping options be discussed directly with the merchant to determine if international delivery is possible and to arrange the shipping method.
The DTI admin carefully reviews and verifies all the necessary requirements and information provided by merchants before approving them on the platform. This ensures that all registered merchants are legitimate and compliant with business regulations.
Yes, this website is transactional. Users or customers must first register before they can inquire about products from merchants.
DTI Marketplace protects your online transaction by using a secure website, indicated by 'https://' in the URL. This ensures that any information you send is encrypted and unreadable to anyone who might try to intercept it while being transmitted over the internet. Additionally, an SSL certificate assures you that you’re interacting with a trusted site, and that your information will be securely encrypted and transmitted
To request a refund, please review the return and refund policy first to ensure that you are eligible before making a refund request. Then, contact the merchant via online chat and explain your issue so they can assist you with the refund process. Please follow the instructions provided by merchant carefully to ensure that your refund request is processed smoothly.
To become a merchant, you need to fill out the registration form with the necessary information about your business and upload the required documents. Below is the list of required documents:
When your merchant application is successfully submitted, it is already in pending status and you will receive an email notification with the subject "Merchant Application Submission." During this time, you will not have access to the merchant menus. Once your application is approved by the DTI, you will receive another email notification with the subject "Merchant Application" indicating the status of your application. Once approved, you will be able to access the menus of the merchant account.
Once your application is approved by the DTI, you will receive another email notification with the subject "Merchant Application" indicating the status of your application. Once approved, you will be able to access the menus of the merchant account.
You will be notified of order inquiries or messages through the email you provided during registration or via system notifications. Be sure to check your inbox, spam folder, or system notifications regularly for new messages or updates.
Merchants are not authorized to approve or reject customer review. However, they can view the feedback of approved customer reviews.
Update Shop Logo and Banner
To update your account's logo and banner, follow these steps carefully: